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Fourth Quarter of 2024

Greetings in the Name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!

We are witnessing the dawn of a new day, something unprecedented, different, and challenging is on the horizon.  Many are sensing a transition in the heavenlies as well. Whenever we discern a shifting of the ground  on which we stand, the Saints must activate their faith and pray.

Prayer is the cornerstone of the Saint's spiritual life. We are privileged to enjoy “three dimensions of prayer” with God.  Through prayer God will arm the Saints to stand in their authority.

If we want to operate in the deeper supernatural realms of God, we must elevate our thinking about the Kingdom. Dimensions of prayer points to the facets of our intimate knowledge of God: To know God as Father, as Friend, and as Judge.

In Jesus’ foundational teaching on prayer in Luke 11:2 He told the disciples,  “…When you pray say: Our Father Who art in Heaven, hallowed be Your name…” First and foremost,  Jesus taught us how to approach God as Father in prayer. We must absolutely reverence the Father, we cannot approach Him indiscriminately, carelessly, randomly.  He is the Sovereign God, the Almighty One.  Too often, the unresolved issues we have with our “earthly fathers” perhaps influence the way we approach our Heavenly Father.  Unfortunately, many of us did not have the “ideal father figure” as children.

To move beyond this emotional barrier, take a look within. If you find this issue is bearing on your relationship with your Heavenly Father, work to release your frustration with your earthly father. If necessary, sit and write out your feelings in a letter to him that is never mailed. It can possibly act as a therapeutic exercise to help you sort out your emotions.  We cannot let a negative experience with our earthly father rob us of the riches of a loving relationship with our Father God. Without establishing the fundamental relationship with our Heavenly Father, we cannot fulfill God’s will for our lives.

Are you willing to take the time to establish an intimate and authentic relationship with God? Approach Him with a childlike humility and He will grant great and mighty things to His Sons and Daughters. We must come to God in humility, submitting ourselves to His authority.  In Luke 11:2 Jesus taught, “hallowed be Your name.” His name must be reverenced--recognized as holy, transcendent and preeminent.  His Name is the Name above all names. There is no other.

In  Luke 11:5-10, Jesus teaches of knowing God as Friend. God is a friend who will stick with you through thick and thin. He is that “friend that sticks closer than a brother.” (Proverbs 18:24) God’s friendship is profound, and He is passionately faithful in all things. But friendship is an exchange, it is give and take. Are you truly cultivating a friendship with God that is enduring and foundational if all you do in prayer is tell Him what He can do for you?  What are you doing for God? What are you contributing to  the Kingdom?

God’s heart is forever turned toward His Saints. He hungers to hear our voices. Jesus assured us in Luke 11:9, that if we “…Ask and keep on asking and it shall be given you…”  Our shameless persistence is rewarded in His Kingdom.  Our insistence is rooted in our faith and causes God to open the door to unsearchable riches.

As we engage in prayer, we must seek to understand the dynamics of the Courts of Heaven where we come to fully grasp the concept of God as judge.  Revelation 12:10 reveals that the adversary, our enemy, has made a case against us: And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven,”… the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night.”

The enemy has seduced us, pulling us into some areas in which we should never have strayed, and in so doing, we opened “spiritual doors” that never should have been opened. Those spiritual doors have allowed anyone and anything to enter and exit our souls. This has given the accuser license to bring a case before God against the Saints. 

Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross has granted the Saints access to God as Judge. It is a profound privilege, such that when we enter the Courts of Heaven we must conduct ourselves properly. God admonishes us to get in a place where we understand the dynamics of the courts. Come before Him, your Judge, with humility. That humility will

facilitate your breakthrough.  

We must pray and ask the Holy Spirit to give us the words to speak so that are successful in presenting our case. Confess your sins, acknowledge your wrongdoing and confess that “this is where I was then, but this where I am now.” Then you can stand and say “I have changed my heart, my mind, my soul and I have moved from that position. I am no longer that person, I am a new creation in Christ.”

If you are still lying, cheating, manipulating, sinning, your prayers will not be granted. However, if you operate in sincerity and truth, God will vindicate you.  Tell God, our Judge, “I have come to You in truth, I confessed and stand before You asking You to use me for Your glory, in Jesus’ name. I ask that every adversary that has come against me as accuser, I be judged fairly that I be vindicated, without even the smell of smoke on me.”

PRAYER: Lord, God, I invite you in as Father. I love you and thank you for being my Father. I have changed my posture, please walk with me on this journey as my Friend. I give you all the hidden secrets of my heart, take them Lord, and free me I pray. I ask that the words of my mouth and meditations of my heart will be acceptable to You, my Judge. I give you my truth here in the Courts of Heaven. O Lord, silence my accuser and set me free, that I may honor Your will and bring You glory, I ask in Jesus’ name. Amen.


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